Aquarius Season Monthly Forecast
Sun-Pluto conjunction, New moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius then Pisces, Venus in Pisces then Aries, Mars still retrograde in Cancer, Jupiter retrograde ends in Gemini, full moon in Leo
Happy first day of Aquarius season!
This Aquarius season starts off on a rocky note, as the Sun conjoins Pluto from January 19-21, but once we get past that point you can expect to see the more uplifting, community oriented side of Aquarius. This is also the last full zodiac season that Mars retrograde will be going on, so as we wrap up that retrograde over the next month, you may start to get a better idea of where you want to direct your energy next. As always, I will first be going over the significant transits taking place this month before paid subscribers can read what all of this means for each rising sign.
The Sun will be moving through Aquarius from January 19 until February 18. Aquarius is a sign that embodies community, reaching wider audiences, promoting change in the world, and looking far into the future and coming up with solutions. However, it’s not the easiest sign for the Sun to be in, because the Sun is so much about personal identity and focusing on your own goals, while Aquarius is about putting your ego aside and doing things for the greater good. So this month may be about striking a balance between those two areas.
There is also a large influence of Pluto this month, and we will kick off Aquarius season with the Sun meeting up with Pluto on January 21. Therefore, we may start to notice the themes of Pluto in Aquarius come into play much more in the coming weeks. There may be some kickback against people in traditional positions of power, and there may be new ways that people can come together and promote positive transformation in the world. However, issues involving control or some people having too much power are just as likely to come up too.
The Aquarius energy continues with Mercury moving into Aquarius on January 27th until February 14, which will be another transit that activates Pluto there. Mercury in Aquarius will be about brainstorming how you might make a change in the world, and you may be more reliant on community and being able to share ideas with friends or attend bigger group events. An important date to watch within this transit will be February 8, when Mercury and the Sun meet up at the same degree of Aquarius, what we call a “cazimi”, bringing all of these above themes more to your attention.
Next, there is a new moon in Aquarius on January 29. The new moon will be taking place at 9 degrees of Aquarius. This new moon looks pretty positive, as it will be trining Jupiter in Gemini. Projects involving writing, speaking, or content creation would be favorable to start around this time. You may also be receiving support from your community, or you could feel much more social around this date. Because the new moon offers a fresh start, the days immediately following the 29th would be the best time out of the next month to initiate new tasks, reach out about opportunities, establish partnerships, or renew your commitment to a new habit or goal.
Another major underlying theme this month is that Mars is still in Cancer, now in the last month of its retrograde. So there’s a lot of energy being directed towards home and family related activities, but also maybe needing to defend your city or your living space. Mars may be causing tension in family relationships or within your home.Though Mars retrograde won’t lift until February 23, I expect this transit to be felt a little less intensely than it was felt earlier on in January, because the Sun won’t be opposing Mars from Capricorn, and we don’t have a full moon triggering Mars either. A date to watch for with Mars will be February 9 and the days right around then, when Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces. Hopefully, this will help lend support and stability to whatever you’re working on and trying to develop at that time.
Getting into early February, throughout the first four days of the month Venus will be in a close configuration with both the North Node and Neptune in Pisces. This may spark your creativity, and you could have more imaginative ideas or be romanticizing your life more than usual. However, you may need to make sure you’re not giving and giving all of your energy away to other people without being caring towards yourself or remembering what you stand for. You could want to be wary of your spending habits around this time too.
Then, Venus moves into Aries on February 4, where it will station retrograde soon on March 1. So as Venus enters this sign and the Aries ruled house of your chart, it is slowing down and the themes that begin to arise for you will be important over the next several months, as Venus won’t leave the Aries until June! You might be doing a lot of reworking or reflection on that area of your life in the coming weeks. Venus in Aries themes in general that will come up may center around speaking up more in relationships and being more assertive about what you desire. Or you could have an urge to be more independent or put greater energy into creative fields.
On this same date in early February, Jupiter retrograde is lifting in Gemini. Jupiter has been retrograde since Libra season, and now that it will finally be direct, you will get another wave of growth in the Gemini ruled house of your chart up until June. So if that area of your life has been slowed down or hasn’t gone as you had hoped since May 2024, expect to see greater results start happening there. There may also be new developments in the realm of social media, technology, travel, and other ways in which we share information.
The next lunation of the month will be a full moon in Leo on February 12. This full moon will happen at 24 degrees of Leo. The full moon is the time of the month where you’re making significant realizations and seeing things come together more fully. With this one in the sign of Leo, you may be more focused on self expression or finding activities that light you up outside of work. You may even be experimenting with bringing your creative voice into your career, and you could want to be more seen by people. This full moon looks kind of chaotic, as it will be making a close square with Uranus in Taurus. So there may be some unexpected news that comes up, or fast paced changes, or you could feel a bit unsettled or on edge right around the 12th.
Finally, we finish out the month with Mercury moving into Pisces on February 14 until March 3, although it will be returning to this sign in April during its retrograde. With Mercury in Pisces, the way you think and process information might be more intuitive rather than logical. This would be a great time to connect with yourself through journaling or mediation, and you may want to better understand your own emotions or connect with others in a deeper way.