Capricorn Season Monthly Forecast
Sun in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius, Mercury and Mars square Neptune, Venus in Sagittarius, full moon in Cancer, Jupiter rx over, new moon in Capricorn, Mars in Capricorn.
Happy holidays to everyone! Capricorn season officially starts tomorrow. This is personally one of my favorite times of the year, because of how grounded and practical this sign is. I’m always thinking way more clearly during Capricorn season, like my emotions aren’t as overwhelming and I find joy in doing practical things like exercising, following a routine, and setting goals.
Thankfully, we are starting off 2024 on a high note, with Jupiter retrograde ending on December 31 and Mercury retrograde ending on January 1. So any confusion you’re feeling at the end of December will noticeably lift as we head into the new year. Let’s first get into the upcoming transits for Capricorn season, before looking at what all of these mean for your individual rising sign.
The main underlying theme for the next month is that the sun will be moving through Capricorn from December 22 - January 20. Over the next few weeks, you might be thinking more strategically about your long term goals, as well as what responsibilities or work you want to commit to moving forward. Though we won’t get a new moon in Capricorn until halfway through January, you will still want to reflect on who and what is most important to you over the course of the next month.
On December 22, the sun and Mercury are meeting up at the same degree of Capricorn, marking the halfway point of the Mercury retrograde, which is still ongoing. You can think of this sun-Mercury cazimi as the “new moon” phase of these two planets. You may be hit with inspiration and ideas for communication based projects you want to initiate, or you could notice a flurry of activity going on with the themes that relate back to the Capricorn ruled house of your chart. Whatever ideas may come to you around this time will prove to be important all the way up until the next Mercury retrograde in April.
Starting on December 23 and going until January 14, Mercury will be backtracking into Sagittarius. Whereas the first part of its retrograde affected the Capricorn ruled house of your chart, you may suddenly find that topics associated with the Sagittarius ruled house become more prominent. You might be doing necessary reflection or restructuring there. Thankfully, Mercury retrograde will be ending on January 1 in Sagittarius, so you will likely have greater clarity in that area of your life at that time.
The first lunation of Capricorn season will be the full moon in Cancer on December 26. This full moon is taking place at 4 degrees of Cancer, so anyone with angles or planets right around that degree will feel the effects of the full moon the most. In general though, this full moon will likely bring up the theme of home and family, and you might feel more connected to your family or be making realizations about your family dynamics or living situation. The moon will be making a sextile to Jupiter and a trine to Saturn, so it’s definitely a lot more pleasant than the last few new and full moons have been.
Throughout December 27 and 28, Mercury and Mars will meet up at the same degree of Sagittarius, and will both square Neptune in Pisces. This couple day period may be especially frustrating, or you could have miscommunication and confusion come up within a certain situation. Try not to take any criticism personally around this time, and if you do encounter feelings of self doubt, know that it will pass.
On December 29, Venus will move into Sagittarius until the end of January. This will bring more fun into your social life and romantic relationships, and you could feel way extra outgoing. You could also be finding pleasure in reading, taking workshops, or writing. You will want to engage in activities that expand your horizons and get you to think differently, or you may be coming into contact with people from different cultures. However, Venus will be squaring Saturn on January 1, so around that specific day you may have tension come up within a romantic relationship or friendship, or you could be deciding if someone is worth committing to in the long term.
December 31 is when Jupiter retrograde ends. Jupiter has been retrograde since September, so you may have noticed a slowing down of activity in the Taurus ruled house of your chart. Now that Jupiter is stationing direct, you will see a second wave of growth continue in that area of your life throughout the rest of the winter into the spring. Also, as the sun, Mars and then Mercury all move into Capricorn, they will be trining Jupiter in Taurus, creating a nice flowing energy between the houses in your chart ruled by Capricorn and Taurus.
January brings a lot of Capricorn energy. On January 4, Mars enters Capricorn. On January 11, there is a new moon in Capricorn. Finally, Mercury reenters Capricorn on January 14. All of these transits will further emphasize the Capricorn ruled house of your chart, and the new moon will help bring a fresh start to that area of your life. If you feel like you’ve had a slow start to 2024, or haven’t been entirely sure about what new goals to set, that will become way more clear once we reach that new moon on the 11th. Headed into January, expect to very focused on work and making necessary changes in your life that will help you in the long run.
Let’s now get into what all of these transits mean for your rising sign specifically….