Happy Monday!
This week has major back to work vibes, as we kick off the week with the moon at its first quarter phase. Expect to see projects come together, opportunities arise, or you may just be busier in general over the next several days. I got some super positive news last week the day after the new moon occurred. Our new apartment is ready, and I will be moving in on Tuesday! I guess Mars needed to go back into Cancer in order for me to see greater action take place with moving and my home. That is a big transit that we will be talking about more below.
Before we get into the breakdown of the week ahead, a reminder that if you’re interested in going deeper with your astrological knowledge, specifically with reading transits and learning how to predict, I have my course Trust Your Timing: The Workshops always available here.
Monday, January 6
We are kicking the week off on the first quarter moon phase - the moon is in Aries, the sun is in Capricorn
So momentum is building
This week…