Those of us with Pluto in Libra have been in and out of our Pluto squares since 2008. Mine has been in close orb since my daughter was born in 2019. It’s been a time!

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Loved this one. I am 36 and going through my nodal return, this post basically answered all my questions. Thank you ☺️

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Age 46 - that damn Pluto square... 😂 my husband and I are the same age and we’ve both been experiencing these Plutonian themes SO hard over the past year or so.

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Can’t wait to read about childhood / teen years. If there’s any books you recommend on that topic, I would love to know!

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This is a very important & well published article! 👏

Loved it. :)

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Having 2 daugthers, I'd be very curious about the ealy childhood and teeenage years :) thanks Alice :)

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I’m younger so it’s very interesting to see what patterns my parents have likely faced and what they may be going through now. Thank you for this!

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